In all, the movement claims over 1,400 affiliated congregations in 135 countries (2008).
There are currently 270 affiliated local congregations with a total of 125,253 members (1 October 2007).
Almost all the support and resources come from the local affiliated congregations and associations.
There were also four affiliated congregations of the National Spiritualist Churches of Canada in Ontario and Quebec.
The affiliated congregations comprise about 25,000 people, but Yield itself has about 150 active members.
In contrast, the General Convention claims 5,700 affiliated congregations and, at its own annual meeting in Houston yesterday, adopted a $50 million budget.
Last year, with the support of affiliated congregations and religious groups, CWS provided 298,000 Kits in the United States and abroad.
The OU grew slowly until the 1950s, when it then began increasing the number of affiliated congregations including both small and large memberships.
In 1969 he established the Society for Humanistic Judaism, which has about 35 affiliated congregations in the United States and Canada.
The Center is a nondenominational network of affiliated congregations, informal groups, and individuals.