But now that they have a foothold, these three networks have all begun to focus on the more affluent and larger white audience.
Revolutionising the way you can buy our affluent, loyal, influential and elusive audience.
It costs more to do business in an airport, but exposure to such a large, affluent audience makes it worthwhile.
Honolulu shifted its focus to news and features aimed at an affluent residential audience.
"However, it still has the best demographics of any of the fashion magazines and the most affluent audience."
The shelter magazines aimed at a more affluent audience also had declines.
For advertisers, video exposes them to a wider and more affluent audience than television.
As with movie theater advertising, health clubs guarantee advertisers a captive and affluent audience.
We had the most highly educated and affluent audience on cable television except for the Golf Channel.
Counsel is the perfect publication to gain a response from a highly affluent audience.