His affluent lifestyle has not made him weak, as men who have braced him could testify - if they were still above ground.
They go on to describe the affluent lifestyle they hope to live with the money.
Clive also enjoys just enough professional success to maintain his career and his affluent lifestyle.
In this sense, it means individuals who have mentally created an affluent lifestyle while not always having any luxurious possessions or wealth.
Millions are at stake, as well as the careers and often affluent lifestyle of the players.
Their affluent lifestyle was heavily publicised in the press and on TV.
However, she still lives in the cul-de-sac despite her more affluent lifestyle.
As a child, Wheeler lived a comfortable, moderately affluent lifestyle with her family in England.
Rawat's affluent lifestyle was a source of controversy in the early 1970s.
"Not only do they fear losing financial security and the affluent lifestyle, they often possess low self-esteem."