Newspapers, magazines and television are largely keeping silent about the election carried out on June 27 by their less affluent neighbors.
To support her upper middle class lifestyle, Nancy begins dealing marijuana to her affluent neighbors and friends.
Will this put poor immigrants on the same footing as their affluent neighbors?
Across the bridge were the tenement-lined streets of Langside, divided by water from its more affluent neighbour.
Under the voucher system, poor families would live alongside more affluent neighbors paying market rents.
At the north end of the precinct, Manhattan Valley residents have periodically felt neglected relative to their more affluent neighbors.
A successful Mexican perestroika could provide the United States with a more affluent, democratic, less distant neighbor.
Their affluent neighbors to the west want to avoid town codes and taxes by incorporating, thus showing an utter lack of any community responsibility.
Despite her attempts at adopting the behavior of her more affluent neighbors, she still retains her kindness.
Nothing was taken, but the miscreant made a large hole through my wall and burglarized my more affluent neighbor, John.