"Fairfield County is an extremely affluent part of the country, but it's pretty expensive to live around here," he said.
It serves the middle class, albeit the less affluent parts of that class.
The growth has been most pronounced in Inwood, the northern, more affluent part of the district, he added.
In the mid 19th century the area began to grow into a larger, more affluent part of Dayton.
Jackson Hill was an old, affluent part of the city.
With the population over fourteen billion, crowding was normal, night or day, even in the most affluent parts of the city.
This half is considered the most affluent part of the estate.
The area is considered to be one of the more affluent parts of Salford.
This area tends to be the more affluent part of town.
In the more urban, less affluent parts of the suburbs, "there are those looking to move up, to gain a new life," he said.