Cleaning companies can be found in virtually every town and city in the world, with a higher concentration in affluent regions.
In every region and neighborhood, affluent or not, these organizations have rewritten the troop leader's job description to attract volunteers.
Suvalkija has long been known as an affluent agricultural region.
TVS's broadcasting franchises are in the more affluent regions of Britain.
Situated in a concentrated, comparatively affluent region, the hospital has been able to afford its ambitious expansion plans where others have not.
The Wasatch Back is a very affluent region.
Without this incentive, they will build the network far more slowly, connecting businesses and affluent regions long before poorer ones.
Even more affluent regions have attracted some work.
Bell Atlantic, which serves one of the most densely populated and affluent regions of the country, is particularly well poised.
It is the most affluent region in the nation.