Technicians needed a small, affordable device to count and bottle medications.
THE subject of CD-ROM drives becomes of more than passing interest as they make the critical transition from expensive computer accessories to affordable standard devices.
And if you have another affordable device that gives me access to Cell processors I'd love to know about it.
This is a great way for a small company that wants to pull its PCs and Macs together with a simple, elegant and affordable device.
There have been extraordinary opportunities for those positioned to exploit them, and a host of affordable electronic devices to entertain and inform.
With an MSRP of around $400, it is also a very affordable device.
Publishers are hoping that Thomson will make the new devices affordable enough to become popular.
Mobile phones did not become affordable mass-market devices until a decade later, when two more operators - Orange and the company now known as T-Mobile - had established themselves.
After testing the concept, the developers worked on an implementation to make the device affordable, accurate, and reliable enough for a mass market.
The first small, easy-to-use and affordable devices for such data transfer are now reaching the market.