Similar situations have played out in Central America, where governments have failed to provide irrigation, roads or affordable agricultural supplies to rural areas devastated by recurrent drought.
Resolving these constraints is critical to ensure reliable, secure, affordable, and environmentally responsible supplies of energy for the nation's growing economy.
New cleaner, affordable supplies of coal (semi-anthracite) were quickly secured from Arkansas in time for the next winter.
The city, in turn, would be required to assess the impact of the sale on the city's dwindling supply of housing affordable to low and middle-income families.
It oversees thelegal and political frameworks for reliable, affordable and clean supply of energy in Denmark.
The problem is that demand in this country is outstripping affordable and reliable supplies of energy.
Access to reliable and affordable supplies of oil is vital for the European Union and the wider global economy.
Sustainable economic growth depends on access to reliable and affordable supplies of energy.
They are in favour of a common energy policy guaranteeing safe, affordable supplies, and do not rule out any energy source that may guarantee our independence.
The AMC will include terms that help assure a sustained and affordable supply in the long term.