However, the distinction must be made that it was the aforementioned artists who were involved in the dark music.
Dali influenced many social surrealists, including O. Louis Guglielmi, James Guy, Walter Quirt and David Smith, whose techniques can be seen in all of the aforementioned artists' works.
As well as recording alongside the aforementioned artists, Madden released her début album, Honey Promises in May 2009.
It also includes a DVD featuring a number of videos created by the aforementioned artists.
It is notable for paintings - many of them quite early - by the aforementioned artists, as well as for works by Paul Feeley, Ralph Humphrey and Fairfield Porter.
Within a year of working with the aforementioned artists, Naeto had successfully recorded over 60 songs including his most recent album material (a bulk of which he co-produced with ET-Quake).
As with the aforementioned artists, he tempers his classic sensitive singer/songwriter fare with a keen ear for pop melody and passionate delivery.
All of those albums were commercial high points for the aforementioned artists.
Their work was immediately influential to album cover art, and indeed all of the aforementioned artists also created album covers.
The instrument is also associated with the djent sound used by the aforementioned artists.