Because of aforementioned conditions in Chinatown, several Chinese enclaves or "new Chinatowns" have sprung up across the city.
Synthetic heroin taken under the aforementioned conditions is not neurotoxic and has few long-term side effects beside constipation and dependency.
Palamedes continues, explaining that if the aforementioned conditions were, in fact, arranged then action would need to follow.
Obesity is implicated in many of the aforementioned conditions, and it is not uncommon for a clinically obese patient to receive pharmacologic treatment for all of these.
However, this medication would not control the pain I was experiencing from the aforementioned condition.
Typically, stable is not a condition on its own; it is usually qualified with an aforementioned condition.
Surgeries with the highest estimated incidence of PION are surgeries with a higher risk of the aforementioned conditions.
Instead of the aforementioned non biological conditions the new group used the Hajos-Parrish catalytic procedure.
Our compromise does meet the aforementioned conditions, and the Committee on Fisheries eventually agreed on it unanimously.
There is a scarcity of theoretical models available to predict the errors reported by Coriolis meter in aforementioned conditions.