As we have said all along, we do not know who will prevail after a full and fair count of every legally cast ballot.
After a complete count of all submitted signatures, 122,007 were officially verified on September 1, 2009.
"Anywhere, Davy, but jump right back to where you are after a count of five?"
Under these rules, if a man went down and could not continue after a count of 30 seconds, the fight was over.
After a full count, Joe Judge was walked, scoring in one run.
At that point, after a count to ten, if the Khar team has not collapsed onto the ground, the teams switch sides.
After a long count of five, the jacket gripped Tally.
After a silent count of fifty, he knocked again.
Mr. Miller said, however, that bank officials wrote a check anyway after a count of their own.
Thomas watched from the sidewalk, then followed after a slow count to five.