But the pyramids still stand, whereas the Shamrock was demolished and removed in 1987, after an existence of only 38 years.
Or it may be simply that they harbor a secret hankering after a natural existence.
After a four-year existence, the group split up in the mid-1970s.
After an existence of twenty-five years this review ceased to appear at the end of 1905.
The organization was disbanded on orders from Rome after a brief existence.
After a shadowy existence in exile, he disappeared in 1963.
This shows that the depression of the region beneath an ancient sea took place after a long existence as dry land.
After a very brief, stormy existence, the band inevitably imploded.
So after an existence of 22 years the town of Malabago disappeared.
His joyful leaps signal a found life, not "past all hope," after a repressed existence.