After post-shakedown availability at Charleston, she moved to her new home port, Norfolk, in August.
After restricted availability and training at Okinawa and Yokosuka, the ship returned to Vietnam on 21 June and continued operations.
After availability, she departed Mare Island for Hawaii on 8 January 1945 and arrived at Pearl Harbor the following week.
After availability at Seattle, she embarked Army troops and, on 18 July, again headed for Okinawa.
After post-shakedown availability, the ship departed the east coast of the United States on 9 December, bound for the Pacific.
Some content requires a paid subscription service, while other content becomes free after a delay, usually a week after availability for the paid members.
After post-shakedown availability, she headed for Casco Bay, Maine, for more training.
On 21 December she returned to Newport and, after post-shakedown availability began operations with CortRon 6.
"One of my contacts at Hilton told me the second question for people booking with children, after room rate and availability, is, 'Do you have a water slide?"'
Shortly after availability, tickets for the initial two Auckland shows were sold out.