Bullet after bullet he sent crashing into its vitals, but it did not halt.
With his breath catching in his throat, Court pumped bullet after bullet at it.
Bullet after bullet splintered the wood of the shelves just inches from Metcalfe's head.
Calmly, he pumped bullet after bullet at the hideous monstrosity.
They crawled behind a berm, got on their knees and judiciously fired back, bullet after bullet.
His drawn Colt six-gun pumped bullet after bullet into the creatures that had come to life.
The rifle shouted, and bullet after bullet plunged into that immense carcass.
Now, dropping to within twenty feet of the enemy plane, the two Americans put bullet after bullet into the German's windshield.
I believe the technical term for what happened is recoil, that surge of counterforce that comes after bullet leaves the gun.
His right hand repeatedly pulled the trigger, blasting bullet after bullet into the dark shape.