The company, which specialises in insuring local authorities, has been hit by £239 million losses after massive claims from town halls.
For two years planning permission had been delayed after claims from nearby villagers that the development could damage the enironment.
Two examiners have been suspended after claims that teachers were given secret advice on how to improve their pupils' exam results.
A controversial memo to hospital consultants has been withdrawn after claims it was creating a two-tier health system.
The classic was run twice after claims of an irregular start, but Antonio's victory in the original running was eventually allowed to stand.
"The lawyers would look at their individual cases and talk to them about the pros and cons of going after individual claims."
The recommendation comes after claims that the more recently available designer drugs have played a role in 42 deaths in the past two years.
Its 57% growth bid comes after claims of an air travel capacity shortage in south east England, by 2020.
This was later stopped after claims of vote rigging.
Murder charge is dropped after claims that dead model took drink and drugs.