The black line with the square symbols represents the same, after correction for the average seasonal cycle.
After correction, the newspaper page would eventually be cast in metal by printers and made ready for the presses to roll.
Long-term follow up is required as pterygium may recur even after complete surgical correction.
Legs take the final form after correction in 7-8 months after the operation.
After correction, the transmitter retransmits the return to the IRS.
It also has a text-to-speech function that enables users to hear sentences before and after correction.
However, these differences were no longer significant after correction using the Bonferroni method.
After correction, the study remains stunningly beautiful.
But now, after correction of a cleft palate, she is on the high school honor roll and planning a career in medicine.
Indeed, achromats cannot see any color, have a strong photophobia (blindness in full sun), and a reduced visual acuity (generally 20/200 after correction).