In the same way, someone who looks after cows is called a "cowherd".
He left school at 14 and worked for a baker, looked after cows, washed bottles and delivered parcels.
The rock drawings showing men hunting, farming, and looking after cows are very important.
After cows are goats, with 20% raised in the north, 58% in Central Mexico and 22% in the south.
"We spent a lot of time chasing after cows," said his son.
When Gossec was young he worked as a cowherd (someone who looks after cows).
Now, you hustle off after them cows.
I'll still be it long after you've been busted back to sweeping up after cows.
In origin, they were designed to satisfy hill farmers who did very physical work: looking after cows, the manufacture of cheese, etc.
Several years after cows ate the contaminated feed, they began to stagger and go berserk.