Assmann cut off his longish blond hair after details regarding the appearance of the murderer were revealed on the news.
After publishing details about the coup, he received several death threats.
She contacted 'The Times' after details and quotes in Blair's story appeared exactly the same as in hers.
This was painted after details of the massacre of British soldiers, women and children had been circulated by the press.
The Israeli Information Centre took the decision after secret details about his presence leaked out.
In 1872, he returned to the Chronicle as a "printer's devil," who looked after various details in the composing room of the paper.
Andrew Crossley fined £1,000 after details of alleged filesharers were leaked from his firm's website.
After details of the operation leaked in the Brazilian press, a political scandal erupted in France.
Though the process is time-consuming, boring and error-prone, the software can find data long after details of the business trip blur.
Yet, this will come after several details.