After long discussion, and repeated expressions of anger at the announced change, six people were asked to draft the letter to Mr. Gottlieb.
After several public expressions of regret and an impressive start to the season, Goodway makes the party on the unanswerable grounds of form.
But after expressions of optimism by the officials, Al Jazeera reported that the man's captors denied that the release was imminent.
But his volte-face after past expressions of sympathy for aspects of Hitler's rule has not convinced the West.
After several expressions of gratitude on the Lady's part, and opposition on mine to Marguerite's giving up her bed, this arrangement was agreed to.
After initial expressions of uncertainty not characteristic of brothers in law, one prominent professor said: "Not to worry.
This class of membership was added to the Society's structure in February 2009 after expressions of interest from commercial childcare providers.
After general greetings and expressions of relief, everyone retired to various shuttles.
After several ellipses and facial expressions she utters the word "Congratulations."
Particular rules apply to the tenses and verb forms used after the verb wish and certain other expressions with similar meaning.