Approximately 30,000 prisoners were relocated after fears that the camp was located too close to the Chinese border.
Another very strong senior secretary who had apparently left an abusive husband years before, after fears she would not survive another weekend of violence.
In cities such as Glasgow soldiers and tanks are dispatched after fears of a Communist revolution.
However, this was later dropped after fears that it might scare children.
He was arrested when his daughter went to the police after fears he would abuse her own children.
After the two resolve problems and fears of moving in together, Lucas is offered a movie deal by Julian Baker.
After all the delays, suspense, fears and dark forebodings, in the end the Germans found that the visit generated more curiosity than passion.
A tourist video has been withdrawn from sale after fears it could threaten the safety of children.
It was only after fears in such associations that males were able to steal young or displace an established herd male.
The governor's pet was found by joggers after fears that she had ended up in a Chinese meal.