Some sources report that approximately half of the patients will fully recover after lengthy (mean time 14.5 months, range 2-24 months) expectant management.
After costly and not always effective management, the buildings are rehabilitated and transferred to private or some form of nonprofit ownership.
The park closed in 1937 after flooding and poor management.
Building tenure only allows the chancellor to transfer principals between schools after lengthy disciplinary hearing and school-based management.
Do a Leeds: Plummet through the divisions after bad, bad financial management.
Article: Long-term maternal depression after expectant management of early preterm birth.
In 1995, after management locked out the umpires, Phillips successfully negotiated the current contract, which expires at the end of this year.
The Executive Board was entrusted to look after the administration and management of the School.
By far, the overriding problem for an independent Ukraine will be the economy, threadbare after Communist management.
It was the second consecutive decline after management on Monday forecast narrower profit margins.