After debarking passengers, the ship continued on to Guadalcanal for training.
After passengers boarded, it ran East toward the end of the test guideway.
She gives an insight into how staff look after passengers as they speed across India, and talks about what it's like to work on board.
After passengers called 911, 10 people were treated at the scene for heat-related problems.
After embarking passengers, she departed from the Bay area on the 24th, bound for Hawaii.
I have been in the saloon, speaking with person after person, crew and passengers, including the two humans.
They also had to clear up after passengers who were airsick.
After discharging passengers, the stores ship proceeded on for New York, arriving three days later.
The former manage the stations, sell tickets and look after passengers.
On many trains, the doors stuck open at every stop, taking several minutes to close after passengers boarded.