After 228 orbits in 17 days, the payload failed to respond to commands from the ground.
It seemed an impossible task to her, but after seven orbits a number of lights began blinking on and off and the ship started descending.
After 2,920 orbits of the Earth, its active mission ended on April 15, 2006.
The flight is cut short and lands again on October 13 after 16 orbits.
It was announced that Mars 3 had completed their mission by 22 August 1972, after 20 orbits.
It successfully achieved its objectives, but the stage was inadvertently destroyed after four orbits.
The spent Atlas sustainer engine was expected to reenter the atmosphere after 9 orbits.
After two 90-minute orbits around the Earth, the craft attempts another landing.
Operations were terminated on August 17, 1980 after 1485 orbits.
The arms would become indistinguishable from the rest of the galaxy after only a few orbits.