After repeated violations, some referees will hold a player's vest in the air and encourage others to riddle it with shots.
About one in four "outmates," as some have dubbed program participants, ultimately returns to prison after violations of program regulations.
In fact, we are still without sufficient heat after numerous violations.
Echoes of the Past After repeated violations concerning soot and particulate discharge, the company signed a consent order with the state in May.
Those wins would be vacated in November 2011 after various violations that included improper benefits and ineligible players.
Seven players have won the Heisman Trophy, although the school claims six, after alleged violations involving Reggie Bush.
The commission ruled that, among other things, Command failed to disclose its substantial subsidies and its "conditional" safety rating after numerous violations.
He was suspended by the NFL after repeated violations of the league's substance abuse policy.
Officers must go after seemingly inconsequential violations because they tear at a park's delicate fabric.
In 2003, Shula took over a team on probation after recruiting violations.