But for the last three decades, classes in religion were limited to after-school sessions at local churches.
During a recent after-school session, only two students, Carlos and his sister, raised their hands when a visitor asked if they admired President Bush.
The event will benefit the museum and its education programs, which include workshops for teachers and after-school sessions.
The Regents' proposal to redirect the $75 million to other important uses such as tutoring and after-school sessions could run afoul of that prohibition.
They also earn extra money for after-school sessions and for taking care of schools that are temporarily without custodians.
The after-school sessions are designed to develop the students' reasoning abilities.
Trialling has been done through weekly after-school sessions, through whole staff conferences in school and weekend courses.
Organizers listed out loud the things they needed money for: homework tutoring, an after-school session, a burial fund.
At a recent after-school session at Jackie Robinson, a reporter asked the students about their involvement.
The staff will need time to meet during the school day, as well as in after-school sessions.