The Star: an afternoon tabloid.
Through the 20th century, The Advertiser was the morning broadsheet, and The News the afternoon tabloid.
He returned to journalism at the Washington Daily News, an afternoon tabloid.
To all of which Midday, Bombay's afternoon tabloid, roared back: "Dead?
The more aggressive ones looked like Africans to me," he told the local afternoon tabloid, The New Paper, after arriving here early Thursday.
The Clarion, a third-rate afternoon tabloid, was the only representative of the Wynand chain in New York.
The News, an afternoon tabloid, featured their story of the man on its first page, giving more details of the dead man.
One was to make it an afternoon tabloid that would be completely different from The Union in order to attract readers.
One afternoon tabloid had offered $25,000 to the Ripper if she would surrender to the paper and relate her life story.
Newspapers are starting weekend entertainment sections, and the afternoon tabloids in particular are writing about crime, scandals and pop stars.