The Republicans who oppose the policy contend that it discriminates against white businessmen, raises costs and violates the Constitution.
The repression against Jewish businessmen took such an effect that the population avoided buying in these shops and the owners lost their means of existence.
Government officials should "change their prejudice" against indvidual businessmen who have become a major contributor to state coffers under China's new tax regime, he added.
The period of "killings by unidentified murderers" against businessmen, including Savaş Buldan, began.
In early 2007 the caretaker government filed corruption charges against more than 160 politicians, civil servants and businessmen; it continued to develop this case.
Other sanctions include a ban on transactions with Syria's government and central bank and measures against prominent businessmen who support the regime.
Instead, he said, they represent the remnants of the Arab embargo against Jewish businessmen.
He began expressing more radical socialist views and argued a case in court against several wealthy businessmen.
He could have added the chilling effect such labels would have on creativity, pitting artists against businessmen at record companies.
He hopes to spar against businessmen.