To find patients willing to pay more, these doctors hope to capitalize on a consumer backlash against managed care.
Yet it may be the single most effective weapon against sloppy medical care.
I'm not against foster care when it's good, but there is also bad foster care.
"I'm not against managed care, but more needs to be done to protect people against under-service," she said, calling for broader Federal and state regulations.
Many insurers say the higher jury awards are at least partly a backlash against managed care.
Arguments against futile care generally center on two issues.
Here and there, in response to a political backlash against managed care, government is intervening.
The father's claim pitted parental control in a tyranny against care by relatives in a free country.
The center got similar results in 1997, before the backlash against managed care had gathered steam.
Some of the nation's biggest insurance companies say they are changing their tactics as they face a surging backlash against managed care.