For protection against foxes and wild cats, they retreat to their burrows for safety.
And members of Congress admit that it is easier to legislate against corporate fat cats than to vote to take billions from individual taxpayers.
What has this woman got against cats anyway?
The children are taught to get down on all fours and bark maniacally as a precaution against cats.
She has accused the township of infringing on her liberties and preparing to wage a vendetta against cats.
'We have them against snakes and big spotted cats.'
The rules against dogs or cats at the marine center were supposedly strict.
We would take long walks along winding roads, and meet eyes with animals other than dogs straining against leashes and disinterested cats.
No cat has ever done anything bad to my garden, so I seek no remedy against cats.
To prepare for a foray against big cats, a claw from a dead lynx was used to ceremonially mark the dog's face.