Blacks of all ages and economic levels say prejudice against black consumers is on the rise.
Would have prohibited rental car companies from discriminating against consumers based on where they live.
Mr. Clinton said the bill "tilts the playing field against consumers."
This can include discrimination against workers, consumers, and minority-owned businesses.
But lately, it has been expanded in ways that critics say would work against consumers.
The deck also is stacked against consumers by the same financial incentives.
The second recent decision - a set of new antitrust rules governing mergers - might seem to move policy in the opposite direction, against consumers.
But there is still a long way to go and we will keep on striving to end injustices against consumers.
Ending discrimination against older consumers may be regarded as a moral imperative, but it also makes sound economic sense.
The bill would tilt the civil justice system in favor of corporations and against consumers, the environment and public health.