His sellers agreed to extend payments, but he started looking for better protection against creditors, plus a way to pass property tax-free to his children.
We perceive no reason for this discrimination against creditors who were not parties except by filing their claims after decree.
This can be used to protect the assets of the company against creditors by making a group of companies.
Private companies are also able to take greater risks and then seek bankruptcy protection against creditors if those risks turn sour.
So, how do you receive property tax exemptions and guard against creditors when you face financial hardship?
The trustee may also bring actions against creditors or the debtor to recover property of the bankruptcy estate.
Some bankers also urged the Kremlin to threaten bankruptcy proceedings against deadbeat creditors.
It is no longer unusual to see bankruptcy used as a sword against unions, instead of as a shield against creditors.
He slashed salaries in half and enjoyed court protection against creditors and debt.
Second, the charge provides security against unsecured creditors.