He was competing within Toyota against designs from a Japanese studio.
The model was being tested against existing designs to establish its ability to analyze designs.
The challenge now is to test reality against designs.
If you see tar in dreams, it warns you against pitfalls and designs of treacherous enemies.
Only a democratic opening (freely elected governments, free press and an opposition free to question the government) insures against secret designs of war or subversion.
One locomotive was converted to a 4-4-2 for direct trials against French designs that he tried on the GWR in 1903.
Only one was built and after a poor showing against other designs and brief use in the war with Finland, the project was dropped.
These overhead-valve power plants are about as old as Methuselah, but they hold up pretty well against newer designs.
Women cannot rebel against designs not yet available, he pointed out, nor can designers anticipate customers' tastes.
The presentation of ordinary Japanese as the helpless victims they were makes no particular case against American postwar designs.