The Government appeared to retreat somewhat today from a complete ban on protests against detention without trial, saying that it would not apply to religious services.
Essentially, it provides for consideration of appeals against detention in hospital made by people thus detained.
The constitution ends Egypt's all-powerful presidency, institutes a stronger parliament, and contains provisions against torture or detention without trial.
It has vowed to continue its international campaign against seven-day detention in Northern Ireland.
Special police units were often accused of committing atrocities against the local population, Rape, kidnapping, torture and detention under false accusations.
The release followed a growing campaign against detention without trial by Israeli human rights groups, lawyers, leftist politicians and writers.
The argument against detention, Mr. Donaldson said, is that it makes martyrs of those arrested.
Liberty, for example, would be seen as not as comprehensive a right as section 9, which guards against arbitrary arrest and detention.
The Government has outlawed organized protests against detention without trial under emergency laws.
In America, we have a pretty high standard - and we should - under our Constitution, against pretrial detention.