In contrast treaty articles, regulations and decisions can have direct effect against private entities.
There should be no prohibition (other than those based on policy) on the intelligence community collecting information against foreign persons or entities.
Claims may be made by or against individual entities, or the international community as a whole.
So far, very few have sued, though hundreds have taken steps toward possible legal action against the airlines and other entities.
Proceedings would be brought against any persons or entities violating the resolution.
Other claims, against employees and related entities, are expected to be filed in other proceedings.
Sanctions may be imposed against individuals and entities identified in such reports.
Only under 14 and under 18 years teams have played so far, against other autonomous entities of Spain.
"Banks were in the dark ages not long ago," he said, "and now they're competing against entities that can sell funds through 800 numbers."
The low figure is heightening concerns that many may file lawsuits against airlines and other entities instead.