Title insurance covers the lender against errors in the results of the title search.
But all too often today, a desktop computer's spell checker is the only line of defense against errors in documents.
The big accounting firms also usually have a commercial policy for several hundred million dollars against "errors and omissions" by its accountants, the person said.
Several bits are used instead of just one, to provide protection against possible errors in transmission.
Cipriano read through the figures, double-checked them, and started an entire new series of tests to, ensure against errors.
Testing companies try to guard against errors where they can.
In June, the cancer center took steps to guard against such errors.
To guard against errors, technical or otherwise, candidates usually file at least twice the number of signatures required - in this case, 10,000.
In the field, those who are highly competitive or have an excitable nature must guard against errors in judgment.
And it uses artificial intelligence techniques to guard against logical or procedural errors.