The Wisconsin group has threatened to file new suits against certain private landowners later this month.
Rather, he saw the Liberals as champions of "the common man" against large commercial interests and major landowners.
To turn small peasants against large landowners, collectivization was not introduced in Lithuania.
As these resources in the countryside dwindle, people sometimes join local rebellions against landowners and government officials.
"This is a tax issue, not environmentalists aligned against private landowners," he said.
It is estimated that some 50,000 to 172,000 people perished in the campaigns against wealthy farmers and landowners.
By October 1917 there had been over four thousand peasant uprisings against landowners.
More recently he has turned against white landowners, student groups, labor unions and homosexuals.
"To provide true relief, the claims against individual landowners have to be removed permanently."
They called the blacks equals, and gave them access to the courts in suit against white landowners.