Consequently it is evident that during this time period conservatives constantly made efforts against liberals even through infliction of violence.
The columnist and television commentator goes on the attack against liberals.
Our angry right rails against godless liberals; France's targets immigrants.
The columnist and television commentator goes on the attack against liberals, who "got it wrong in the cold war and still blame America first."
But at the real heart of the clamor, he said, were traditional political rivalries: rural northern Florida against the urban south, conservatives versus liberals.
This is the way liberals always avoid taking action against other liberals.
Quayle can rail against liberals and Murphy Brown all he wants, but the record speaks for itself.
In this respect, what is happening today is comparable: it is once again a war against liberals.
This is meant to be directed against intellectuals and liberals that form the many ideas absorbed into the mentality of the underclass.
Americans have been voting against liberals at the national level since 1968.