Once free, Wright would have continued to conduct and orchestrate his murder campaign against nationalists.
He is most famous for being part of an alleged show trial against several Croatian nationalists in 1931.
This crackdown marked the start of a new campaign against Russian nationalists by Soviet regime.
Mr. Smith fought a long, costly war against black nationalists in the 1970's, only to be forced to yield power.
In addition, some members of the Order were involved in paramilitary activities against nationalists.
Someone is setting up cops against black nationalists in a violent inter-city war, playing both sides for bloody fools.
Police responded with a crackdown against Argentine nationalists.
By 1914, the protestant - loyalist group was well established and ready for war against catholic nationalists should it have proven necessary.
Discrimination against nationalists under the Stormont government (1921-1972) gave rise to the nationalist civil rights movement in the 1960s.
It is documented that the organisation was used by the English in order to fight against Turkish nationalists.