India filed criminal charges over the Bhopal gas leak against Union Carbide, its former chairman and eight Indians.
That unusual trading pattern is likely to be an important element in shareholder suits against the company and its former chairman, shareholders' lawyers said yesterday.
The Indian Supreme Court's settlement proposal was accepted by Carbide, and all suits against the company and its former chairman, Warren Anderson, were dropped.
Kaisertech also said it had filed a lawsuit against its chairman and a principal shareholder in Federal District Court in New York.
The Dutch also agreed to stop the personal court case against Trafigura's chairman, Claude Dauphin, in exchange for a 67,000 euro fine.
Today, the prosecutors filed 12 criminal charges, the first such action against Banesto's former chairman, who was dismissed in December.
Iraq was on the offensive this week against the Special Commission, known as Unscom, and its chairman, Richard Butler, an Australian arms-control expert.
Spectrum Information Technologies filed a $300 million lawsuit against its former chairman, John Sculley.
Morgan's reserve action pits it against Citicorp's chairman, John S. Reed, who favors both debt relief and new lending.
Due to lack of evidence, the Department of Justice dropped the charges against the party, its chairman, and one of the two members who had stood outside the polling station.