Dumarest rose, aimed, fired all in one quick movement, the missile bursting against the head of the foremost Monitor; slamming it back against its companion.
Illylle cried out, stumbled against her companion.
"Indeed," the young woman agreed, and her wry tone shifted the connotation of Cadderly's own words to sound like an accusation against their angular companion.
The Cloud of Contention spreads, invisible upon the wind, turning each man against his companion, against his children, his wife.
Together they peered around the corner, and Murilo, leaning against his companion, felt his huge frame stiffen.
A reflecting suit is also good camouflage against our mech companion.
Ngaru determined to try his strength against Tikokura and his shark-like companion, Tumuitearetoka.
The machine toppled, clattering against its companion.
Therefore, Herschel studied double stars, expecting that the closer member of the pair would show a regular parallax shift against its companion.
With a quick twist he wrested himself free from the policeman who held him and sent the officer staggering against his companion.