The company is in preliminary negotiations for selling its Indian unit, Aircel because of alleged regulatory uncertainty and probe against its founder.
This failed and he returned to Oneida, only to leave again and file lawsuits against the community's founder, John Humphrey Noyes.
Perhaps most ominously, momentum in stock prices has been undercut by the Kremlin-supported campaign against Yukos, the oil company, and its founder, Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky.
The case still stands against the company's founder, several senior officers, and another accounting firm.
Charges against the company and its founder and chairman, Alfred V. Cali, remain outstanding.
He portrays the resulting dogma and actions of respective religious leaders as being in diametric opposition against their nominal founder.
It had previously been forced to liquidate many of its holdings after charges of massive securities fraud against the company's founder, fugitive financier Robert Vesco.
However, an official at Yukos said he believed that the government was looking for evidence to bolster its case against the company's jailed founder, Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky.
Yukos is bending under a Kremlin-backed campaign against its founder, Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky.
The investigation, which began in 1993, was initiated following shareholder lawsuits and accusations against the company's founder and former chairman, Roy M. Speer.