A fight for justice against his mentor, the hospital and the love of his life.
Today, he hit against his mentor and former coach, the former major leaguer Mike Easler, who flies up from Texas every other week.
Later, he turned against his mentor to launch the second agitation for a Gorkhaland state.
Put in charge of Tibet, the young politician turned against his mentor and led a brutal crackdown on dissidents.
He turned against his mentor in order to attain a "treasure" Kami protected for many years.
"For me, it's a great challenge to go against my mentor."
Bibby played with flair against his mentor, Kidd.
As a result, last week Mr. Halperin dropped his 19-year-old lawsuit against his former mentor.
He released another burst of light against his former mentor, this time to even less effect.
The idealistic student turned against his loquacious mentor.