The group has said the write-off against its reserves after tax relief will have to be £185m.
Despite this, O'Neill played every reserve game that season, except for the games against the Celtic's reserves.
In the 4th quarter down 63-10 Utah would go on to score 3 touchdowns against BYU's defensive reserves.
A Chief Cashier was a very high level position, able to - among other duties - issue cashier's checks against the bank's reserves.
Purdue (1-1), held to just 39 yards rushing, scored a touchdown and a safety against Washington's reserves in the fourth quarter.
Utah would score three meaningless touchdowns in the fourth quarter against BYU's reserves.
Boston widened the advantage to 63-43 at halftime, then to 79-48 in the third quarter before Minnesota shortened the margin against the Celtics' reserves.
On 11 February he scored twice for the reserves against Newcastle United's reserves, in a 4-4 draw.
In the fourth quarter, Wisconsin closed the gap, scoring two touchdowns while playing against Michigan's reserves.
The Hoosiers led by 68-43 before T.C.U. rallied against Indiana's reserves in the closing minutes.