They frequently resorted to more repressive measures against their Christian subjects.
Your eminence, it concerns the war which the king, my husband, is now sustaining against his rebellious subjects.
The charges stemmed from violence against his subjects in a small village near Mthatha between 1995 and 1996.
Wilhelm replied that he was not willing to open his reign with a bloody campaign against his own subjects.
Wilhelm replied that he would not open his reign with a bloody campaign against his subjects.
To show human suffering, even to turn the mind toward what might be its origins, is not to turn the camera against its subjects.
The attacks against your subjects have been terminated.
Richard was accused of numerous cruelties against his subjects, including rape.
Aristotle wrote critically of terror employed by tyrants against their subjects.
He asked how he could help the British against their rebel subjects, and for help with the illegal settlers.