These concerns coincided with an exponential increase in malpractice lawsuits against physicians.
There are, however, many causes for the high level of litigation initiated by citizens against physicians, hospitals, manufacturers and government.
Nationally, disciplinary action against physicians is up 50 percent in the past decade.
Yet only 16 of these cases resulted in sanctions against physicians and hospitals by the state's Department of Health.
The whole book was a long argument against "elitistic" physicians - everybody could be his own doctor.
Authorize monetary damages against physicians for violation.
If you were to match a chiropractic network against trained physicians instead of general medical practitioners, you might get different results.
Perhaps that is largely because the public is denied the right to know when charges are filed against physicians.
"I don't have time for your foolish prejudices against female physicians," I told him severely.
Now meritorious cases against incompetent physicians are rejected because lawyers and clients cannot afford the expenses involved in litigating these matters.