Then how about at least a permanent ban against former prosecutors acting as defense attorneys in their areas of specialization, like drugs?
He was also an early voice against prosecutors using their power to exclude African Americans from juries.
Lafleur has filed a $2.8 million civil suit against police and prosecutors, claiming that his rights were violated.
In the weeks before the trial, the judge made several rulings against prosecutors that seemed to limit the evidence they could introduce.
Instead, the judge is charged with being biased against prosecutors, and making insulting remarks.
Even prosecutors acknowledge that defense lawyers typically start at a disadvantage when they go up against experienced prosecutors.
It recommended legal action against 49 police officers and prosecutors for mishandling murder cases, in addition to 51 already under investigation.
Professor Cohen, who has litigated many cases against federal prosecutors, said they can spend "unbelievable amounts of time with their witnesses."
Over the last decade, it has ruled against prosecutors in all six appeals brought by inmates on death row in Texas.
Often through flattery, these corrupt associates used Grant as a shield against prosecutors and reformers.