Their works based on non-common approach were commented as a rebellion against socialist realism and other artistic stereotypes of the period.
In other words, he cared less about championing chance than fighting against naive realism.
Another argument against scientific realism, deriving from the underdetermination problem, is not so historically motivated as these others.
This in a show which claims to be sticking up for the power of fantasy against dull realism.
Truly, the days of refuting philosophical arguments against realism by stubbing your toe on a rock are over.
The description of abstraction's battle against realism as the victory of light over darkness has been called narrow-minded and shortsighted.
Wood has even used 9/11 as a pretext for waging his war against hysterical realism.
This trend was a direct reaction against realism.
A generation later, liberation theologians turned against Niebuhrian realism, which they judged to be too much a defense of the American political and religious establishment.
The novel's Sabina is an artist who creates witty paintings, rebellious gestures against photographic realism.