The oldest cost (i.e., the first in) is then matched against revenue and assigned to cost of goods sold.
Already, the church has built an $11 million school - its first in decades - with money borrowed against future revenue from the development.
For many companies, the problem is just that: high fixed costs, some of which are interest payments, set against declining revenue.
At the same time, the bank has the best efficiency ratio, measuring operating expense against taxable revenue.
Borrowing against future revenue would enable the state to complete transportation projects sooner, aiding economic development and job creation.
I disagree on a fee - it should be a deposit, returnable against revenue.
Most high-profile hosts are protected against lost revenue through long-term contract payments from the syndicator that employs them.
They are fighting a legal case against "revenue driven" traffic enforcement, and pretty effectively.
On January 28, 1894 some 140 persons were killed here in an unprovoked police firing while protesting against enhanced revenue.
Such charges, when not counted against revenue, make results look better and make it more difficult to determine a company's true performance, some analysts say.