Enough to buy half the town, and theft or harm to the books counted as a crime against the Crown!
The members of the League who do show up will be the ones willing to take a risk and strike a blow against the Crown.
In 1797, the society was closed and their leaders arrested, under the accusation of revolutionary activities against the Crown.
"I think you should speak now, old boy, or be charged with crimes against the Crown."
You tried to set them all against the Crown!
The right whisper in the right ear and the army will move against the Crown.
Dulany was not able to rebel against the Crown he and his family had served so long.
How does that strengthen the case against the Crown?
This is by no means the first time that national security has been raised as a defence in legal proceedings against the Crown.
He became mayor in 1834, when the city had only 9,252 inhabitants, and later led an ill-fated rebellion against the Crown.