The Giants use that approach even against veterans, so they are likely to pressure Krenzel early and often.
Later that year, Galloway had a series of matches against American veterans.
Pitted against such veterans, it looks like Kumar has got himself into a bind that he may not come out of alive.
This was done as a response to a number of incidents against black veterans, most notably the Woodard case.
In the open he had no chance against mounted veterans; if he broke for cover they would ride him down.
United's successful start to the 2006-07 season continued with another road victory one week later against veterans the Scottish Rocks, who were defeated 76-70.
This reflected the addition of the responsibility to enforce laws prohibiting discrimination against the disabled and veterans.
"That's good for him to go through that because when you go against veterans, they know all the tricks," Kidd said.
That put Democrats in the uncomfortable position of having to vote against veterans if they wanted to vote for the national service program.
She has proposed legislation to ensure that any service-connected education benefits do not count against veterans on applications for federal financial aid.